Friday, August 31, 2007

Four Corners Sunsets

The Southwest/Four Corners area lends itself to some spectacular sunsets. I took these at various locations around the Navajo Nation. Our worshp team does alot of traveling around "the rez" and I always have my camera with me.

These are as the Navajo say, nizhoni.

(This first one was a surprise when I got my prints back)

Soli Deo Gloria
Chris P.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Northwest New Mexico

This is the natural landmark known as Shiprock. The church I lead worship at is located in the town of Shiprock, New Mexico on the Navajo Nation. The 'rock" is just a few miles southwest of the town. The Navajo name means Rock With Wings.

July 2006

End of an evening looking out my back door.
August 2007

This is called The Lion's Wilderness (interesting name,.... eh?) This is on a mesa overlooking Farmington, just a few miles from my house.
There is also an outdoor ampitheater there that is awesome. I have lead worship out there a few times. August 2007
Chris P.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Southwest Colorado

San Juan Mountains near Telluride, Colorado May 2007

The Uncompahgre Wilderness near Cimarron, Colorado May 2007

The La Plata Mountains near Mancos, Colorado January, 2007

The Black Canyon of the Gunnison near Montrose, Colorado May, 2007

These are just a few of many that I hope to publish. The Colorado Plateau/Four Corners is a diverse and awesome area. next post I am hoping to post some shots from the high desert of northwest New Mexico.

Chris P.