The Four Corners area not only displays breathtaking scenery,
but also has abundant wildlife.
The church held our annual prayer retreat at the Baptist Camp in Hesperus, Colorado, the week before Thansgiving. I was able to take a few photos of some of the wildlife.
I did not run into any bears as they were either already in their hibernation dens or on their way, and we won't see them again until the spring. This is just as well, as my wife has had several face to face encounters while talking her walk or hiking.
However the sign at right, one of several which are posted on the retreat cabins and surrounding buildings, is proof that the bears will be on the prowl, especially during summer.
I also did not see any elk this trip, however I will return to snow country in a few weeks and will most likely see a few small herds.
The photo below shows a small group of geese against the backdrop of an awesome sky. (They are to the center and right in the picture. You can click on the photo to enlarge)
Taken November 2007 near Hesperus. Colorado
This photo, of some of the local waterfowl, was taken along the Animas River near Farmington, New Mexico. November 2007
I was hiking in the early morning during our retreat when I came upon some deer in the thick brush, not far from our cabin. I startled them a bit and they ambled off up a ridge, just above where I was hiking. They stood and watched me for a good 15 minutes as I took several pictures of them. When I was finished, I lowered the camera, and as if on cue, they turned and walked away one by one. Awesome! The picture is a bit grainy as I had to zoom in on them. It's hard to tell but these were three very large does.
I have a few more shots of some of the last of the Fall foliage around Farmington, which I will publish on my next post, as well as the first of the winter scenery, since we had a major snowfall in the La Plata and San Juan mountains last week.48 inches at Wolf Creek, three feet up at Durango Mountain resort.
Soli deo Gloria!
Chris P.